Had sent Jason home on Monday with stuff to create the quilt label. What with classes and school obligations and catching a bug, he was not able to design the label this week. After he arrived here, he sat at the kitchen table with paper & pencil and a photo on my iPod Touch of his cat Neko.

He sketched out Neko on paper. Neko was to be a big part of the label! Then, he re-drew that sketch onto fabric. I was amazed how quickly he worked. Whilst I am good with a pencil and a ruler, I cannot “sketch” anything! I am in awe of an artist …
Another place was set at the lunch table today. Jason’s mom, DD Kim, joined us. She wanted to see how the quilt was coming along and we all had Gpa’s homemade Sloppy Joes. Gpa was there, too.
Jason added the Quilt Label to the strip that was needed to make the back wider. And we cut the backing fabric from top to bottom and he put in that strip.

And here’s a close-up of the pic of the label.
We are nearing the end of this adventure …
What a talented lad! Love that label. How old is Jason?
I took my little grandson with me to a fabric shop, & he delighted in choosing pretty fabrics to admire... for a while, then he wanted to go home. He does love the quilts I have made him.
Yes, my grandson Jason is talented. Sometimes, I think more so than he realizes. He's 20. When he sketched out that pic of his cat, it just seemed that in a matter of strokes with a pencil, he had drawn Neko!
When his mother (my daughter)was little and went fabric shopping with me, she would get so tired and wanted to take a nap. She confided in me that to this day she gets sleepy when she's in a fabric shop! LOL But, her son Jason doesn't! LOL
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