Monday, October 12, 2009

They’ll be Tweeting from Houston!


Twitter is really good for some things and the Houston Quilt Market & Festival is one of them. I just found out PlanetPatchwork was tweeting from Houston’s Quilt Market last week and will start tweeting again for Quilt Festival which starts Wed. Oct 14. They really did a good job of sharing a lot of pics they took at Market of things they found interesting. Their Tweet Home is You don’t have to be a member of Twitter to read the tweets.

I liked the “Zipper Mouth Pillow Creatures” from Indygo Junction -

For those of you who are not familiar with Twitter, here’s a few hints – On page, you will see a list of very short comments (tweets), usually having a red “http://…” link. Click on that link and you will see a photo for that tweet (comment).

Near the top of the page, you will see #quiltmarket in red, click on that link and it will take you to a page of tweets from different people from all over.

Also near the top of page, you will see #quiltmarket in red, click on that link and you will see the beginnings of which I’m assuming will be a long list of tweeters at the Houston Quilt Festival starting Wed. Oct 14 thru Sun. Oct. 18.

Ami Simms will be tweeting from Houston, too. She said she will try & put up pics of the new owners of the ALZ Quilts that they will be selling and auctioning off.

Here’s Ami’s Tweet Home --
Here's a list of all the ALZ Quilts in Houston --

The tweets are just so easy to read from my iPod Touch and a nice comfortable chair.

Do you know of anyone else who will be tweeting from Houston? I will put links at the end of this post.

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